The 9 Ways to Emigrate to Australia

Released on = December 14, 2005, 10:28 am

Press Release Author = Gordon Goodfellow

Industry = Law

Press Release Summary = Ever thought about emigrating to Australia? Ever wondered
how to go about getting an Australian work permit? Well here are the various options
about the different schemes to emigrate to Australia, without too much red tape or
expense. This article spells it out in 9 easy stages.

Press Release Body = Ever wondered how to go about emigrating to Australia and go
about getting an Australian visa? Wondering what the various options were and how to
go about the different schemes without too much red tape or expense? There are lots
of ways to emigrate to Australia. This article spells it out in 9 easy stages.

1. The Australian economy has never been stronger and the Australian government are
particularly looking out for skilled people with a specialization in many business
and trade areas. In order to emigrate you could go the route of an expensive lawyer,
or you could get the advice of specialist Australian immigration consultants to see
if you qualify for Australian immigration eligibility.

2. If you are wondering about work skills needed to emigrate to Australia or
qualifications needed to emigrate to Australia then it\'s worth bearing in mind that
there is a points system for applying for what is known as the Skilled Visa. You can
fill in an online form to see if you satisfy the Australian immigration points
system as set out by the Australian Department of Immigration and Multicultural
Affairs (DIMIA).

3. An Australia working visa. Managers, qualified professionals and skilled
tradespeople are especially in demand under the Skilled Visa program. Schemes are
available for skilled visas on a permanent or temporary basis, and are all based on
points needed to emigrate to Australia as set out by the Australian Immigration
Department. With the Australian job market advertising over 150,000 jobs each week
and unemployment at its lowest in 10 years, being eligible for an Australia work
visa has never been more possible. There is a huge demand in the plumbing, security,
printing and the building trades in particular. However, despite the huge demand
across the board there was a shortage of candidates for jobs in 2004.

4. An Australia working holiday visa. These are exactly what they sound like. There
are many people who dream of being able to emigrate to Western Australia or, more
specifically, emigrate to Perth Australia for the amazing weather and facilities
there. If you are between 18 and 30 and are looking to spend 12 months in Australia
then you may qualify for one of the many Australian working holiday visas that are
available every year.

5. Family Visa. If you have an Australian partner, or members of your immediate
family are permanently based in Australia then you may qualify for one of several
family stream visas. Your application to emigrate to Australia can be done online.
The Government of Australia encourages emigration in order to bring families
together. Under the Family Visa Emigration Programme, migrants considering
emigration must be sponsored by a close family member or fianc�(e) living in
Australia. There are 4 schemes to choose from in order to find out if you are
eligible for emigration. Select the one that best describes your situation. The
sponsor must be either an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New
Zealand citizen, and would usually be 18 years of age or older.

6. Visitors and tourists. All travelers, except New Zealand citizens, must obtain a
visa or travel authority before they travel to Australia. But now there is no need
to worry about visiting the Australian Embassy or High Commission to get your visa.
You can now get your visa online. If you are planning to travel to Australia as a
visitor or even on a business trip then you may need either a visa or an ETA
(Electronic Travel Authority). An ETA will allow you to spend up to 3 months in
Australia and you are free to travel anywhere you like.

7. Business and investment visas. If you have had a successful business career
either at a senior executive level or as an owner of your own business you may
qualify for one of several visas under the Australian business visa program. Under
the two-stage arrangements introduced on 1 March 2003, business migrants are granted
a Business Skills (Provisional) visa for four years and, after establishing the
requisite level of business presence required by the DIMIA or maintaining their
minimum investment, are eligible to make an application for a Business Skills
(Residence) visa.

8. If you are an employee who is headhunted or moved to your company\'s Australia
office then you can apply under the Australia sponsored work visa. Your employer can
effectively sponsor you for this by becoming your Australia Immigration Sponsor.
Under this system, if you are an established professional, you can emigrate to
Australia without a degree.

9. Retirement visas. If you wish to emigrate to Australia on retirement then you may
be eligible for an Australia retirement visa given each year. If you are financially
secure and would like to spend some of your retirement years in the warmer climates
of Australia, find out if you qualify with our free online assessment.

There has never been a better time to emigrate to Australia or to apply for an
Australia Work Permit or Australia visa application.

Web Site =

Contact Details = Gordon Goodfellow is a writer and Internet technologist. Amongst
other things he advises on emigrating to Australia via his website

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